Tucker U Freshman Weekday 108 Split Recs - Tuesday, August 5th, 2025 2 PM to 5 PM

SKU: EVE2402409

CHF 34.00

Time: 2 PM- 5 PM
Date: Tuesday, August 5th, 2025
Teacher: Susan Phillips

Give me a A, give me a B, an L and an R...what does that spell? Nothing! Leave those letters at home and learn how to make crisp, clean half rectangles or what we call Split Rects. Your stars will twinkle with these strong points.

Bring your "Show and Tell" item from the previous month and get $10.00 in-store credit to be used on that day.

Required tools: Split Rects

Cost includes 3-hours of class instruction, laminated design sheet, and laminated technique sheet.

Rulers are an addtional cost:
- Purchase rulers prior to class get 20% off
- Purchase ruler day of Class get 10% off
- Rent the ruler for the day of class for $5.00 - can upgrade to purchase and if decision to purchase is made, $5.00 will be applied to the ruler and 10% discount will still apply