If you’ve ever strolled through Nebraska Quilt Company, you’ve likely been captivated by the vibrant, intricate patterns of batik fabrics. These stunning textiles are beloved by many for their rich colors and unique designs, but have you ever wondered about their history and how they’re made? Join us as we dive into the fascinating world of batiks and discover why they’re a treasured choice for many quilting enthusiasts.


Batik, a technique that's been around for over 2000 years, originally came from Indonesia. There’s even evidence of its use in ancient Egypt and China. But it was on the island of Java that batik blossomed into the intricate art form we know and love today. Historically, batik was more than just pretty fabric; it was a cultural treasure, with patterns often carrying deep symbolic meanings and being used in traditional ceremonies.

The word "batik" comes from the Javanese word "ambatik," which means cloth with little dots. Pretty spot-on for a technique that involves creating patterns using dots and lines of wax, right? This method was traditionally passed down through generations, with each region putting its own unique spin on styles and motifs. So, not only are you getting beautiful fabric, but you’re also getting a piece of history and culture in every design!


Creating batik fabric is like a creative workout that combines art and a bit of science magic. It all kicks off with the artist drawing or stamping a design onto the fabric using hot wax—think of it as giving the fabric a temporary tattoo. Next, the fabric takes a dip in a dye bath. The waxed areas play hard to get, resisting the dye and creating cool patterns. After the dyeing and drying, the big reveal happens when the wax is removed by boiling or scraping, showing off the vibrant design underneath. If the batik needs multiple colors, this wax-on, wax-off routine repeats for each layer. The result? Gorgeous, durable fabrics with unique patterns that make every piece one-of-a-kind!

9 examples of batik fabrics at Nebraska Quilt Company
Nebraska Quilt Company stocks hundreds of bolts of batiks! 



Today, batik fabrics are easier to find than ever and are used all over the world in all kinds of crafts and fashion. While the old-school methods are still going strong, modern batik artists are mixing things up with fresh designs and techniques, bringing ancient art into the 21st century. This makes batik fabric an exciting choice for quilters who want to add a unique twist to their projects. So, if you're looking to spice up your quilting game, batiks are the way to go!


Many quilters are head over heels for batik fabrics, thanks to their rich, saturated colors and one-of-a-kind patterns. Adding batiks to your quilt projects can give your design a vibrant flair. You can make batiks the star of the show by using them as the focal point of your quilt, where their stunning designs can shine as centerpieces or feature blocks. Or, sprinkle them in as accent fabrics to add pops of color and interest throughout your quilt. Don't be shy about mixing them with other quilting fabrics to create awesome textural contrast. Their unique patterns can add amazing depth and dimension to your project. And those batik scraps? They’re perfect for scrappy quilts, giving you a kaleidoscope of colors and patterns that’ll make your quilt a feast for the eyes. The world of batiks is your oyster, so go wild and have fun!



Whether you’re a seasoned quilter or just beginning your quilting journey, incorporating batik fabrics can add a rich, artistic flair to your projects. At Nebraska Quilt Company, we offer a stunning selection of batik fabrics to inspire your next masterpiece.

Ready to explore the beauty of batiks? Visit us online or in-store today to browse our collection and let your creativity soar. Don’t forget to share your batik creations with the NQC Facebook Community or Instagram—we love seeing the amazing quilts you bring to life!

Remember, Nebraska Quilt Company is your source for classes, sewing machines, quilt kits including this Gemstone Batik Quilt Kit with Dahlias, and more! We invite you to discover the vibrant world of batiks and all the incredible possibilities they hold for your quilting adventures.

Nebraska Quilt Company